At the start of last year, I decided I was going to set some goals for the new year: I was going to try more new things (eating oysters was a big one - yum!), not allow myself to go into hermit mode (making plans with friends for Saturdays), and blog more (in an attempt to get readership up and make some online connections). End of the year review of set goals:
Trying new things - check
Anti-hermit mode - check
Blog more - check
The goals made were actually accomplished! And I was pleased.
So I set myself a new round of goals for 2011. The first two were the same, trying new things and doing more things with friends (albeit this year I want to do more in downtown Boston, in particular). The new third goal was to be more healthy in both diet and behavior so that stupid little colds didn't turn into walking pneumonia and the like. I started the new year by going over RECK's house for NYE. Then on New Year's Day, I went for a 45 minute walk outside in the fresh air and made plans with JR to go to the movies the next day. Checks all around.
Then the second of January, I woke up with a stuffy head, sore throat, and a cough. All of which, eight days later, I still have. (I finally called the doctor today.) And because of this cold, I had to cancel my plans with JR to go to the movies, AND my "Twelfth Night" plans for this past weekend, and stayed home from work a couple of days last week.
So basically, I have turned into a hermit with a cold that has turned into a big hullabaloo, and I haven't even blogged yet this year. This is the opposite of the New Year's goals!
I hope this is just a temporary set-back, and, by next weekend, I will be back in good form and will be able to tackle my goals as intended. As I keep trying to remind myself, that start date of January 1 is completely arbitrary; every day has the potential to be the start date for positive life goals.
If it makes you feel any better, I completely understand!