Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My incredibly shrinking hair

I have very thick, very straight hair and after growing it for most of the summer and fall, it had gotten ridiculously long by Christmastime.

I liked the way it looked during the winter, provided I took the time to style or curl it every day. By springtime though and early summer, the humidity and the weight of my hair made that a problem, so I had 2.5 inches taken off the bottom so that it hit my shoulders.

Two weeks ago, I could no longer stand the horror that my hair had become so another 2 inches were taken off the length and I was left with hair just below my chin. And I am one happy camper!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What I did on my summer vacation...

Or well at least part of it anyhow...

I was down on the Cape...
Saquatucket Harbor

Saquatucket Harbor

And then on Nantucket...
Nantucket, Fat Ladies beach

And then back on the Cape...
Tidal marsh, Chapin Beach

Tidal marsh, Chapin Beach

And it was LOVELY.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It's a Wicked Pissah

So last night after work, I drive over to my favorite supermarket, the Shaw's at Brighton Mills. Recently, they have been doing some renovations to the store, which has made it a little bit tricky to figure where one actually finds the pasta, for example. (There is no longer a fancy international aisle, but there is an Italian section; oddly enough, that is where the canned tomatoes are too. Why they are not with the rest of the canned fruits and vegetables, I don't know. But I digress.)

The renovations on the whole are aesthetically pleasing, but not the best structurally (some of the aisles are too narrow while others are huge). The lighting seems to be better, and with everything being new, the store is clean and pretty.

It wasn't until I went to check out of the store that I noticed something big. Something bigger than the new deli counter or the new pharmacy area. According to all the registers, my Shaw's was now a Star Market! Again. Somehow, I had completely missed the brand new sign on the front of the store.

It was a Star when I first started shopping there, and it took me ages to get used to calling the store Shaw's, and now I love my Shaw's, and it is Star Market again. Did I miss an announcement about this? The Shaw's in Packard's Corner is still Shaw's; I made sure to check on my way into work today. I wonder if that is going to change back too?

I tell you one thing: they better not be getting rid of the Shaw's brand French Onion dip; it's a winnah!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Do I spend too much time on the internet?

My friend JR who knows how excited I am about going to see Hamlet in October sent me a link to McSweeney's HAMLET (FACEBOOK NEWS FEED EDITION). It is hilarious, and I thought I would share it. (This makes loads of sense if you are a Facebook person, not so much, if you aren't.)

A sample:
Hamlet thinks Ophelia might be happier in a convent.
Ophelia removed "moody princes" from her interests.
Hamlet posted an event: A Play That's Totally Fictional and In No Way About My Family
The king commented on Hamlet's play: "What is wrong with you?"
Polonius thinks this curtain looks like a good thing to hide behind.
Polonius is no longer online.

Lookee, it's David Tennant as Hamlet. SIGH. Two months to go.


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