Thursday, July 29, 2010

Urban Garden

So this year, I expanded my little "urban herbs" window ledge garden. I currently have: basil, sage, chives, rosemary, some very young dill (very hot days killed both the first and second batches), green beans!, cornflowers, nasturtiums (which have come back after nearly dying out), and a lone coreopsis. Keeping these guys alive has been an uphill battle this summer, but I am inspired by the lone sage that had been planted as a seed last year and grew back this year as a full size plant! (I SOOO didn't expect the sage to make it through the winter.) If the sage has the will power to stick with it, so do I. (And it has paid off; I just noticed my first beans!)

Urban Garden: basil

Urban Garden:basil, rosemary, sage, beans

Urban Garden: sage


  1. i am tres impressed! i had planned to get a topsy turvy and grow tomatoes on my porch, but that didn't happen.

  2. Please note: I haven't actually really done anything with these herbs yet, but I think that I might try to make pesto this weekend.

    Oh, and I did mix some sage in with butter on put it on pasta the other night!

  3. Melanie, have you ever planted borage? In case you're not familiar with it, it tastes rather cucumber-y and is really beautiful. I love to put the flowers in a salad.



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