Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Summer Solstice

So today is the 21st of June, and I am officially 31.25 years old. It's kind of weird; I have to keep reminding myself that I am not 30 any more. Not that it makes a big difference as half the time I act like I am 25 and fancy free.

MP is back from her travels in Ireland and London. She had left me a voicemail message for when I came in saying, "English chocolate in my office." I scurried down there about a half an hour after I got in and saw the square blue box on the counter. "MILK TRAY!" I shouted and immediately called the Turkish Delight, which I proceeded to inhale along with an Aero bar, etc, etc. (I am not owning up to how much I acutally ate.) All I need are a pack of Silk Cuts and my Pride and Prejudice dvd to complete the transformation into Bridget Jones. Tomorrow, she is bringing in my Harrod's tea. She is so good to us/me.

Note to self: just because you pay for something on your credit card doesn't mean that you aren't going to have to pay for it sometime. You think that I would know this by now, but when the bill comes in, it is all "WHOA!" ala Keanu Reeves. New plan for the rest of the month: pay for it in cash, or don't buy it at all. This isn't unreasonable.

So today is the summer solstice. Sauce is going to come over and eat dinner and watch The Grudge with me, because really can you think of a better way to spend the summer solistice than watching Sarah Michelle Gellar in horror movies? I didn't think you could. ;) I am going to make the "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" Season 1 "Man Quiche", also know as the asparagus and pasta torta. I hope that it comes out yummy. If nothing else, it will be better than one the guy who dropped it on the floor made.

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