Thursday, June 11, 2009

"One giant leap for mankind..."

Apollo: Reflections and Lessons

In one of the more cool things that has happened to me since I started working at the 'Tute, my colleagues and I were invited to attend a portion of the programming of "Giant Leaps", the 40th anniversary celebration of Apollo 11 landing on the moon. We got to go to an interesting symposium, and we saw Neil Armstrong yesterday in person. SO COOL, and I don’t even like NASA or the space program.

It was interesting to hear these gentlemen talk about the political climate in the 60s surrounding their work and what the race to the moon really entailed in terms of building the technology. Space travel still was a big deal when I was young. I remember watching the space shuttle take off several times with my elementary school classmates. When the Challenger exploded, Sister Irene made an announcement over the school PA, and we spent our lunch time in her homeroom watching the news footage. That was the first time I remember seeing a newscaster (Dan Rather) get upset.

(A lot of people took photos during Neil Armstrong yesterday, and I didn't have my camera. But I remembered it today.)

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