Monday, August 17, 2009

On the Road Again

I have been doing quite a bit of distance driving these past few weekends, most of it on my own. I have to highly recommend downloading the podcasts of NPR's "This American Life" to listen to on those long stretches of interstate. They really make the time go by quickly and are entertaining and informative. Plus, they keep you awake when you are on a dark stretch of road on a rainy evening. The one I listened to last night was called The Ghost of Bobby Dunbar, and it was fascinating.

One of my more recent treks was out to Lennox, MA to visit Edith Wharton's estate, The Mount, with my book club. We had read her novella Summer, and we decided to tour her house and gardens as part of our meeting. Despite the overcast day, the rain held off until it was time to go home. It was both charming and informative (Edith got a big thumbs up, while her husband, Teddy Wharton, got the thumbs down from our group), and I think worth the time in the car.
The Mount The formal garden at the Mount
The rock garden at the Mount The Mount

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