Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Absentee Note

So I wasn't around much on line during the month of May. Was on Twitter a bit, but no posts whatsoever on the blog, which isn't really like me, but I had a good reason. Well, actually, several good reasons.
  1. I started a new job on 30 April. It is going well so far, and I like the people I am working with. I am coordinating special projects, which is something I really wanted to transition into after 12 years in event management. (Perhaps I'll even lose some weight now that there isn't a ready supply of cookies or hors d'Ĺ“uvre two or three times a week.) It has been a long time since I have had a new job, and I had forgotten how frustrating it can be not being up to speed in the beginning.  But I have been in the position for a month now, and I have definitely become more comfortable with the office and what I am doing. I do still feel like a "newbie", but not like a fish out of water!
  2. I have started house hunting in the greater Hartford area, which is a bit more challenging than I thought it would be, despite the whole "buyers' market" buzz you hear on the news.  (Buyers' market does not automatically mean "lots of awesome things to choose from" and/or "Going Cheap!") Looking through all the listings, weeding out what you want to take a closer look at, and then visiting the houses is like a second, full-time job!  Fortunately, I am working with a FABULOUS Realtor, who is making the process loads easier than it would have been if I'd tried doing this on my own. Can't even begin to fathom house hunting on my own. But as much as I miss all my friends in Boston, I am really happy to be in CT and closer to my family because...
  3. The best thing that happened last month: Sister B had a baby!! I am an auntie!! It is all very exciting. I'd post a photo, but I have a feeling that she and her hubby would not be very keen on that so I will just say that the baby is a boy, and he is super cute and very squirmy. I just love him to bits. I predict a lot of babysitting in the future.
So with all of that, my time has been rather occupied; I didn't even get a chance to watch all the Queen's Jubilee coverage at the beginning of the month! (Scandalous!)  But I have had a couple of cool blog ideas in the meantime, which I hope to execute sooner rather than later. So keep this space book marked or follow it with Google Friend connect or however you read blogs.  There will be some good stuff coming soon!

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